Saturday, January 26, 2008

Wondering Where the Wonder Went

I'm leaving for Madagascar in a little over two days. I'm not nervous; maybe that should be worrisome. I've tried to whip up what seems like the appropriate amount anxiety -- luckless. I'm sleeping, eating, focusing well...which is a shame. I remember when I was a little girl, in the days leading up to my family leaving for Vermont at Christmastime: I was living the countdown. I kept my own calendar in the kitchen next to mom's and sliced through the days one after another; stealthily creeping upon "LEAVE FOR VERMONT". Its box was decorated with stickers and exclamation points. I carry a brown leather planner now. January 29 doesn't have stickers or illustrations - in the bottom right corner I have printed very unobtrusively "Flight to Paris: 4pm, JFK". It is sad when the awe is lost, isn't it? I think that is one reason I wanted to go to Madagascar -- if any place can restore my wonder at this grave and comical (comically grave? gravely comical?) planet, it is the red island.


david smith said...

There's "magic in every moment". So says the late Dan Fogelberg. I know you will enjoy your expedition and studies on the island but please know that you can have "wonder" and a "full" life anywhere you are. We already miss you and are excited about reading your first post. and we can't wait to hear your voice when you get a chance to call! Have fund and study hard!

Elaine said...

Hi to one of my favorite nieces in the world. (and I do mean world) I am talking to Nana Kay on the phone even as I write. She and I want you to keep us informed of all your adventures so we can live vicariously through you. Remember to write in a journal as much as possible. Stay healthy and happy. And oh, is the wonder there yet?
Love you,

Lucy said...

Hi Marcie! We love and miss you very much... even though we have to get out a dictionary to decipher what you write in English, much less when you write in French and ???? I was having a deja vu (hey, that's French, right??!!) experience reading your blog.... have you read The Poisonwood Bible? We in the West, wethinks we art blest... but our supposed blessings have turned out to be hindrances to finding God. He really has to be creative to get our attention, does He not? All this prosperity can be such a curse.
I envy the solitude it sounds like you are experiencing... there's so much noise we live with here, it's hard to have a clear thought.

Got to visit with your Mom and sisters last weekend; we watched Josh and Josiah in their state bball tourney. even Michael got to come.

With love, Aunt Lucy